
by NeuroRehabLab

Health & Fitness


RehabCity, a simulation game designed to train activities of daily living

Worldwide, more than one in three adults suffers by a form of a cardiovascular disease. According to the World Health Organization, 15 million people suffer stroke worldwide each year and, of these, 5 million are permanently disabled. The current limitations of traditional rehabilitation methods push towards the design of personalized tools that can be used intensively by patients and therapists, in a clinical or at-home environment.By merging a gaming and an integrative ADLs approach we propose RehabCity, is a simulation game designed for the rehabilitation of cognitive deficits through a gamified approach on activities of daily living (ADLs). A simulated city populated with streets, sidewalks, commercial buildings, parks and cars has been reproduced to provide an ecologically valid environment where some common ADLs are reproduced. In the RehabCity game, several sequential goals are provided to the player, which have to be performed through navigation in the city. RehabCity uses short-term goals and frequent feedback on progress to increase the sense of self-efficacy, and as a result, the motivation and engagement to work towards the next goal. Further, RehabCity goals can be customized and personalized to each player, as well as the level of assistance provided by the game. - RehabCity is still under development and currently we have it available in English and Portuguese.- A PC/Mac/Linux version can be found at